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  • hardie karges 8:00 am on June 28, 2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , conservative, liberal, marriage, same sex   

    Religio-Politics 101: Symbolism, Love and Law–and an Extra Letter… 

    Image result for rainbowFor an entire segment of the population to be granted equal rights in one fell swoop is a glorious thing, whether it be people of color, immigrants or LGBT (sounds like a sandwich; I’m hungry). The love between two people is probably the most beautiful thing in the world, whether male or female in tandem or in unison, or universal agape, mouth wide open. But religious groups have a point, too, in their feeling that they have been dealt a blow. They have, in many cases. No major religion ever envisioned this in their view of the ‘sanctity of marriage’. Culture wars continue.

    Proponents of same-sex marriage have never been satisfied with the concept of ‘civil unions’, whatever the exact terminology, and there’s logic in their rejection of any ‘separate-but-equal’ solution. But we also have a strong tradition of the separation of church and state, and to force a preacher, pastor or priest to perform the rite of marriage on a LGBT(Q?) couple may be going too far, if that is indeed ever the case. I certainly agree that same-sexers deserve all the rights, but maybe not all the rites. (More …)

    • Ron Hendricks 8:36 pm on June 28, 2015 Permalink | Reply

      Have been following your posts via email for some time now. Just thought I would let you know I enjoy reading what you have to say. (Perhaps it is because I usually am in agreement with your opinion). Keep up the good work!

  • hardie karges 12:36 pm on September 17, 2008 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , marriage,   

    Gay marriage is more about equal rights than the conferral of sacrament 

    and is best dealt with that way. Certainly life partners should be able to share themselves with full legal rights without regard to sexual preference. Nevertheless, full church sacrament will never be granted, not from any of the established churches, anyway. Churches exist to decide between right and wrong and that’s what they attempt to do. The Great Chain of Being figures prominently in the philosophy of many religions, either directly or indirectly. This sanctifies reproduction as something holy, not dirty, not chosen, but a duty.omosexualityH Homosexuality figures into this system only as a sin, an aberration to be condemned. Whether homosexuality should or should not be considered something reprehensible has to do with whether it is a lifestyle chosen or an inherited trait. If chosen, then it is an aberration. If inherited, then it is natural. The debate may never be resolved. Certainly bisexuals throw a monkey wrench into the argument. Certainly no one is born with two sexual needs, are they? Surely one is chosen, isn’t it? By the same token, much sexual activity goes above and beyond the strict call of duty in fulfilling the basic needs of reproduction. Nothing is obvious. Nothing is forbidden. Everything is given. Everything is permitted. Religion that must resort to enforcement is not true religion at all.

  • hardie karges 7:29 am on July 18, 2008 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , marriage, temples,   

    Some Thai boys too young for sex or labor 

    renounce their worldly attachments to join the priesthood, a shortcut to fulfillment. To renounce something they never had has no meaning. They’re just lazy, looking for an easy life. Their heads are already shaved for school, so it’s not much of a transition. For most it’s just a summer session, then back to the real world. Some kids have no choice. They end up at the temple because there’s literally nowhere else, just like cats and dogs abandoned by their owners. You can even crash there if you’re too poor for a hotel. Don’t abuse that privilege like the Thai parliament members who travel around the country staying in hospital VIP rooms because they’re entitled to free medical care. Temples in Thailand are literally the last resort, for life and death, religion and cremation, social activity, even marriage. Tang and I got married like that in Thailand. We just showed up in the temple first thing in the morning, taking food prepared for the monks, then proceeded to kneel in front of a monk as he lectured us on our responsibilities, ultimately blessing our union. Later we feasted with family and only then did we actually get ‘hitched’, literally. Family members took turns lashing our hands together with white cord while food and drink flowed in the periphery. Fortunately Boy Scouts here don’t learn real knots.

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