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  • hardie karges 9:29 am on January 31, 2021 Permalink | Reply
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    Buddhism and the Industrial Revolution: Aftermath… 

    Don’t begrudge anyone their success. Their success is your success. We are all one people. We all know that, of course. But saying it and practicing it are two different things. And competition is fierce, especially when you’ve been raised that way from birth, as most of us Westerners, European-descended, have been raised.

    I don’t know why that is the case, probably some combination of capitalism, Christianity, and democracy, but the reality may be a little bit more nuanced than that. In fact it may even be such a recent event that the results of it are not even fully known yet, a phenomenon associated with the Industrial Revolution, the effects of which are still upon us. Don’t believe the textbook narrative that the Industrial Revolution occurred in the mid-1700’s in England. The Industrial Revolution is now—right now.

    And the results are as devastating as they are inspiring. Sure we’ve got multiple methods of travel to multiple places in the universe, but we’ve also got Global Warming, Dickensian poverty, the Enclosure Acts which dispossessed peasants of their ancestral rights to land, and now a devastating narcotics problem, largely born of the necessity of dealing with the dispossession and loss of our connection to Nature.

    Thus we stand at the crossroads, of history and consciousness. History will certainly go in a direction heretofore yet unimagined, and consciousness will certainly go with it hand-in-hand, no certain clue as to which is cause and which is effect. And if that much is certain, little else is. We are such a young species that anything can happen, and likely will.

    And this has happened over and over in the course of history and evolution, but I seriously doubt that any one species has ever been so responsible—or not—for its own destiny. Usually these things, i.e. evolution, happen in what seems to be a random impersonal manner, in which the best that can usually be said is something like, “Evolution favors smaller adaptable units,” we being the units, of course, usually devoid of consciousness.

    The invention, or evolution, if you prefer, of language, 50k years ago, seems to have changed all that. I can’t imagine what other invention would have had such an effect. So here we are, featherless bipeds possessed of language, and fully conscious of what the worst can be. But can we control our own worst impulses?

    Can we make decisions that will give sustainability to our species? These questions remain to be answered. But it will not occur with backbiting and unnecessary wars. Buddhism is all about teaching men to be more like women: more caring and less violent, and that is what I’m here to promote. Walk softly through this life and this world Make no enemies. Leave no trash.

  • hardie karges 7:41 am on February 11, 2018 Permalink | Reply
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    Buddhism: Meeting of East and West, Aryans and Dravidians, Nobles and… 


    Buddhist shrine in Sri Lanka

    …us, of R1 genome, y-DNA, that is, not mitochrondial, we the barbarians from the north, land of ice and snow, with broken hearts and bad manners, satisfying ourselves with whomever whenever wherever, animal instincts and animal appetites, with an inclination toward wheels, and gears, and wine, and dark beers, anything to make the boring food go down easier, trail food, and whatever gets you through the night…

    But it must have something incredible to watch, erstwhile Aryans, light-skinned and beefy, from creamy milk, rolling in over the high plains, toward India, literally rolling, in chariots and carts pulled by horses and oxen, herding cows and goats and wayward children, lording it over the local slim swarthy dark-skinned Dravidians, so-called, for lack of a better name, in what must have been the world’s first great culture clash, the likes of which wouldn’t be seen again until the American genocide, this just the preamble to that constitution… (More …)

  • hardie karges 2:51 pm on May 10, 2013 Permalink | Reply
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    Tweeting and Finger-Snapping and the Laugh-Track to Life 

    I tried to pay the market vendor in Tweets for his veggies, but he’s not buying it. So I offered him FB ‘likes’, but still no sale. Whazzup with that? Don’t they know that social media is currency in every major developed country?

    Too bad the country folk tend to lag behind the city-dwellers. They’re probably skeptical after the Beat Generation’s finger-snapping applause failed to catch on. They won’t get fooled again…

    Did you know that finger-snapping applause originated with the Romans? You heard it here first. They stomped their feet, too. Toga-flapping worked, anything to make a show of approval. Early French opera and theaters hired clappers to form a ‘clap-track’ accompaniment of sorts.

    In Boulder in 1980, Gregory Corso lived in the apartment next door, drunk ranting raving and howling at the moon almost every night, but finger-snapping was long gone by then, though ‘digging it’ and ‘hipness’ still survive today.

    “Many “Beat Poet” fans of the period now suffer from severe arthritic inflammation of the thumb and middle finger”- Urban Dictionary. Now that I did not know. What will Tweeters suffer from in the remote future?

  • hardie karges 3:52 pm on December 23, 2008 Permalink | Reply
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    Burying the past with language 

    removes it from the usual patterns of evolution, as would deliberate gene splicing. The Dravidian languages of southern India deliberately remove Sanskrit influence while ignoring similar influences from English, which would certainly be easier to locate and remove because of their obvious foreignness. Local politics and petty jealousies weigh heavily. ‘Aryanization’ carries with it the connotation of ‘civilization’, at least in Thai, notwithstanding the fact that the same people now called ‘Dravidians’ have ancestors who created one of the world’s greatest early civilizations in the Indus River valley. They undoubtedly left much DNA in the current bloodlines of both northern and southern India. Unfortunately for them, this is the darker-skinned lower-caste bloodline that was ripe for Islam to enhance their status. It’s no accident that that same Indus River is now in Muslim Pakistan, though linguistic traces with their forbears are long gone. The lingua franca of Pakistan, Urdu, in fact is mutually intelligible with Hindi, the closest thing India has to a national language, and the local language of no one in Pakistan. Once again, efforts are continuous to separate the two for political reasons. The same has not yet happened, but could, with India’s other major language, Bengali, also known as Bangla, the national language of Bangladesh.

  • hardie karges 5:48 am on December 16, 2008 Permalink | Reply
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    Written language pulls together what spoken language splits apart. 

    For probably the first time in history languages are no longer dividing and multiplying and declaring independence at the same time that more and more nations are. Go figure. Dialects are disappearing under the onslaught of mass media and standardized education, in favor of a national standard language. A language is a dialect with a book and a sword. National languages are themselves in danger of disappearing in favor of international standards, once the national languages become deviant or pidginized to the point of incomprehensibility. Already French and Chinese movies offer subtitles in their own language. IN THEIR OWN LANGUAGE! This is understandable with mutually unintelligible Chinese dialects that share the same written language, but French has no convenient excuse. It’s just hard to understand in the vernacular, like subtitles for senile mumblers in documentaries.

  • hardie karges 7:43 am on December 15, 2008 Permalink | Reply
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    I consider Slavs to be the broad mass of Indo-European stock, 

    the population pool from which the others spun off and never came back. They are to the European race what chimpanzees are to the great apes, the most direct descendant of that common ancestor who was father to them all. The other large pool was the Aryan/Iranians, who occupied Central Asia before the Turks. To me, the descendants of the Aryans who invaded India in 1500 BC look more European than the Aryans who stayed behind and became Iranians, in the process of mixing with Arabs and Turks. But for the darker skin, the average northern Indian could be mistaken for someone hailing from Hackensack or Peoria. Interestingly, descendants of Portuguese who settled Malacca in the modern state of Malaysia, now mostly fishermen, look darker than the predominant Malays. They can trace their descent and know a smattering of the language, but more closely resemble Indians or Australian aborigines than modern-day Portuguese. Their first language now is English.

  • hardie karges 7:26 am on December 13, 2008 Permalink | Reply
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    The French get so righteous about the spread of English 

    at the expense of French (maybe French is just more expensive), but they do the same with Dutch/Flemish and others. All of Belgium, and especially Brussels, used to be a political and linguistic entity with Holland to the north and its Germanic language. That all changed with Napoleon and the Flemish had to wait long and fight hard just to regain parity. Of course, long before that, all Franks were part of that same entity before they became ‘Romanized’ and proceeded to butcher Latin. Apparently not all of Charlemagne’s progeny were in agreement on that issue, as the domain became divided, and the French/Latin-speakers became a centralized nation long before the rump Holy Roman Empire of independent principalities became Germany. Whether the centralization of ancient Rome was somehow transmitted through the vestiges of its language while the Germans were stuck in the proud but ultimately feudal heritage of its own tribal past would be an interesting thesis. Whether the individualism and de-centralization of ancient nomadic Germany was the basis of capitalism and industry is another. Throughout the entire Germanic Europe to this day the dialects spoken are mutually intelligible from one village to the next, though the national standard dialects have become mutually unintelligible.

  • hardie karges 4:56 pm on December 8, 2008 Permalink | Reply
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    By my linguistic and culinary comparisons, 

    I’d estimate that Thais and Viets diverged from a common source probably about three thousand years ago, coincidentally about the time that Han Chinese began emigrating southward in heavy numbers. Austronesian Proto-Malays probably diverged from that same common source about four to five thousand years ago before sailing the seas and settling islands as far away as Madagascar and Hawaii and New Zealand. Very few traces remain of that distant association, if indeed the theory is correct, but as they say, “What goes around comes around,” and Malays and Thais were destined to meet once again in the Isthmus of Kra along their current national borders. Thai curries probably come from this association. Most words in common between Thai and Malay result from the common pre-Muslim flirtation with India and Sanskrit. After their conversion to Islam, Malays even became re-established in Southeast Asia as an inter-bred race with their long-lost Cham brethren in Cambodia, also Austronesian and supposedly the original link between the Tai and Malay languages. This happened after their once-proud culture was nearly annihilated by the land-hungry Vietnamese at about the same time that Columbus was discovering America. Whether they remained on the mainland or came back is uncertain, but their aboriginal cousins are heavily intermixed with aboriginal Khmers in the central Vietnamese highlands, they also presumably a product of that original southern Chinese proto-race.

  • hardie karges 1:38 pm on December 7, 2008 Permalink | Reply
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    It may be that a people emerging from the shadows of history 

    and an aboriginal past adopt the first ‘high culture’ and language they come in contact with, as Thais with India and Sanskrit. Or maybe the last, as with Indonesia and Islam and Arabic, displacing the previous Indian and Sanskrit. Or perhaps a mixture works better, in the case of the Philippines’ Spanish Catholicism, but wide facility with the more recent English language influence. It’s probably no accident that Southeast Asia is the prime example for this phenomenon, given its long history of ‘cultural relativity’ and frequent position as a playing field for the great powers of China, India, Europe, and Arabia. Still they retained their native language in most cases, the notable exceptions being the far-flung and vastly outnumbered Polynesians in Hawaii and Easter Island. Southeast Asia and the South Pacific Islands are good examples of what I consider feminine cultures, ultimately flexible and looking to marry up, making up with makeup what they lack in logic.

  • hardie karges 11:40 am on December 6, 2008 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: astrology, history, horoscope   

    I’m a bull in the Thai astrological system and a Gemini in the Western system. 

    They’re the same system really, only the dates aren’t exactly the same, though they overlap. The Thai system comes from India, as does most of Thai high culture even though genetically they’re closer to China. The Indian system either came from Greece or directly from Mesopotamia, from which the Greek system also came originally. The signs have exactly the same meanings- the ram, the bull, the twins, the crab, the lion, the whole schmear. Days of the week follow a similar pattern, the English system deviating farther from the Latin norm than the Thai even. In Spanish and Thai, and presumably others, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are the days of Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus, respectively and respectfully, while English worships the old gods. Saturday is Saturn’s day in both Thai and English, while Spain takes an early Jewish Sabado Sabbath. Sunday is the sun’s day in both Thai and English, while Spanish is the Lord’s day, Domingo. In all of them Monday is the day of the moon. It would be interesting to see how many others follow suit. I only know that Indonesian also takes a Saturday ‘Sabtu’ Sabbath and a Minggu Sunday, so they must have got that from their Portuguese proto-tourists, taking the others from Arabic if the Islamic Jumat Friday Sabbath is any clue. You can’t get the fuckers to work. They’re like Thais, celebrating every holiday they can find in the world, even if they can’t pronounce it correctly. Portuguese, on the other hand, now counts the mid-week days on their fingers two to six, as if they learned something from the Vietnamese and China in all their Asian travels. Hey, sex is fun, and more than body fluids can be exchanged in the process. The Indonesian months are clearly pig Latin, as are all the other Romance languages and English, of course, while Thai months are conveniently cognate with the Indian astrological signs which begin within them, a nifty mnemonics device. This system has been in effect for some hundred and fifty years, part of the Siamese effort to outrun European insults to their intelligence. The Vietnamese and Chinese, of course, are still sitting there squatting on their haunches, counting months on their toes when they run out of fingers, smoking cigarettes, drinking tea, and spitting.

    • Kc 10:39 pm on July 23, 2014 Permalink | Reply

      I am fire, r is air, we continue to fan flames. Continually as now finally again i travel, he stays here and relies on the kindnesses of strangers. Lots of them here in hazle, lucky for us. Blessed, clever, wtf cares as long as he is alive wheni return home.

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